- Panflute with 12 tones
- Range C major: A'-H- C-D-E-F-G-A-H-C-D-E'''
- G major: A'-H- C-D-E-F#-G-A-H-C-D-E'''
- Chromatic
- Curved model
- Wooden strap with decoration
- Electronically tuned
- The panflute is processed with natural oils and raw materials!
- No paints are used!
- Made in South Tyrol
- Romanian type
The Plaschke pan pipes are one of the main instruments handcrafted in Lagundo.
The pan pipes are of high quality and well-priced. By using natural raw materials - such as hard reeds (arundo donax) stored for several years and selected timbers - the Plaschke pan pipes are created in the heart of South Tyrol through fine craftsmanship. All models classical (Romanian form) are electronically temered and submitted to a strict final inspection. On request we also produce custom-built models (low-pitched sounds, for left-handers, etc.).
There are only used natural oils and no varnish!
Pan flute R12 tones/tubes in C major & G major made of bamboo | Plaschke Instrum
PriceFrom €69.00
- Manufactored in Southtyrol/Italy for beginners, advanced persons, young and old ones.
- Bent model, Romanian design.
- The Plaschke pan pipes are an easily learnt instrument and it´s possible to play beautiful musical pieces in a very short time.
- Standard packaging with tow sack or nylon wrapping, depending from the model, also available with a professional well-cushioned cloth bag out of with a zip, hand- and belt loop, tear- and water-proof, outside pocket with an embroidered Plaschke logo.